maxwell新版的对称周期边界从master-slave变成Matching Boundary了

2022-02-20  by:CAE仿真在线  来源:互联网

在旧版中maxwell的对称周期边界使用master-slave,但在mawell2021后变成了Matching Boundary了,分别对应两个子类型Dependent Boundary 和inDependent Boundary :


Dependent Boundary for an Electric Field Solution

The electric field on the dependent boundary is forced to match the field on the independent boundary. The magnitude of the electric field on both boundaries is the same. The fields on the two boundaries can either point in the same direction, or in opposite directions.

When to Use Matching Boundaries for an Electric Field Solution

Consider a simple electrostatic micromotor in which the rotor is held at zero volts and the six stator poles are switched between zero volts, 100 volts, and -100 volts. The E-field pattern at any point in time repeats itself every 180o — causing the field in one half of the motor to match the field in the other half.

If you use matching boundaries, you only need to model half of the motor, as shown below. The E-field on the dependent boundary (the left side of the motor) is forced to match the magnitude and point in the opposite direction from the E-field on the independent boundary (the right side of the motor) - simulating the field pattern that would occur if the entire motor was modeled.

A symmetry boundary cannot be used in place of matching boundaries in this example. The electric field is not necessarily either perpendicular or tangential to the motor's periodic surfaces. In the example above, the electric field would be exactly tangential to the periodic surface only when the poles of the rotor are aligned with the poles of the stator. In the other positions of the rotor, the field is not tangential and matching boundaries are required.

combined DC current flow + Electrostatic solution type is also possible. In this case, the voltage distribution on conductors from the DC current flow solution is used as a Dirichlet (applied voltage) boundary condition in the electrostatic phase of the solution process. This type of sequence allows a certain class of problem involving electrostatic fields surrounding conductors with DC current flow to achieve a comprehensive solution. In this case, the solution provides the electric field in conductors and dielectrics.


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